Does Affection Need a Language?

My German colleagues had a holiday from 20th December for Christmas and New year celebrations. My whole office was closed between those days. Due to security reason it was not allowed to work alone in office. So I was forced to take holidays. But my Indian colleagues did not have the Christmas holidays. So it had been decided by my manager that I would work from home. So virtually I was working for office. For New Year celebration my friends in Göttingen had decided to go to Hamburg on 31 st December. They called me to come with them. But we had an important delivery in our project on the same day. So I had to work day and night from last few days and I was damn tired due to irregular sleeping hours. In that situation it was difficult for me to travel to Hamburg. I decided to stay back in Göttingen. I wanted to be part of that fun, but my work was not allowing me. Finally we finished our work and delivered successfully. Previous day one of my German friend Elina had call...